Initial Effective Date: August 12, 2021
Date of Last Review: January 26, 2022
Date of Last Revision: January 25, 2022


To the greatest extent possible, Esperanza Cyber Charter School (ECCS) will continuously
support prevention and mitigation policies according to the CDC’s most up-to-date guidance
for the reopening and safe operation of an online school facility. Recommendations from the
Governor, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Department of Health,
or the Philadelphia County Health Department may supersede this plan.

Students On-Site

For the upcoming 2021-22 school year, ECCS students will continue to attend classes
virtually. However, for any in-person school activities such as trips, on-site testing, and
school community-based gatherings, ECCS will take all precautions to ensure students and
staff practice social distancing and wear masks throughout the day following the CDC
recommendations. In addition, daily temperature screenings and health surveys along with
masks and face shields will be given to students to prevent the spread of the virus.

Staff On-Site

Instructional staff are expected on-site one to two days a week and work the other days
remotely to reduce the number of staff on-site each day. Non-instructional staff would work
on-site three to four days a week and work the other days remotely.
Staff on-site three or more days a week have individual workstations. Staff on-site less than
three days a week work in hotel seating and are provided secure lockers for keyboards,
mice, and personal items.
ECCS provides two Bluetooth keyboards and two mice to all staff.
All workstations have either doors or glass shields that create a barrier between staff.
All workstations have disinfecting wipes, and employees must wipe down the desk area
upon entry and departure.



Esperanza Cyber Charter School has hygiene stations at the facility’s entrance and throughout.
Students, families, and staff can clean their hands with hand sanitizer throughout the day.
High traffic areas are clean/sanitized daily by contracted service (when occupied).
Drinking fountains are only available for bottle filling.
ECCS provides disinfecting wipes throughout the building for routine disinfecting of
high-touch items.
Multiple hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the building to encourage hand


All staff expected on-site must wear their masks in common areas as a safety and health
protocol. Staff, students, and families we service must wear masks at all times while in the
building regardless of vaccination status.N95 masks are stationed in the receptionist area
for visitors and staff.
ECCS distributed HEPA air purifiers (20) throughout the three ECCS works spaces to filter
for 24 hours daily.

Esperanza Cyber Charter School will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to
services to address students’ academic needs and ECCS students’ and ECCS staff members’
social, emotional, mental health, and other needs.

ECCS will address the students’ academic needs by providing initial diagnostics at the
beginning of the school year. Each student will have a profile created showing the strength and
needs of that student. Based on the diagnostic, ECCS assigns work to students in the areas of
need. Every week, IXL diagnostic will be used by all K-12 students for Math and Reading
weekly to address their learning needs. Quarterly they will be assessed to check for growth.
USA test prep will be used by 6-12 for science with the same time frames as IXL. To ensure
student and staff social, emotional, and mental health, ECCS will hire a mental health specialist
and a transition coordinator for the school year 2021-2022. The mental health specialist will be
available for students and staff alike.

The table below details how ECCS will maintain the health and safety of students, educators,
and other staff, the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy
on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
a. Universal; and correct wearing of masks;  Masks will be worn by staff and visitors 

while in the building N95 masks are worn by 

staff and are also available for visitors.

b. Modifying facilities to allow for physical 

distancing (e.g., use of cohorts, podding);

Esperanza Cyber Charter School installed partitions for each office to practice social distancing. 

Only coordinated staff segments will come 

on-site during the week while practicing 3-feet social distancing.

c. Handwashing and Respiratory etiquette;  Esperanza Cyber Charter School will provide resources for handwashing techniques throughout the building, posting content on our website and social media platforms.
d. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation; 

e. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State and Local health departments;

Esperanza Cyber Charter School purchased air purifiers. The air purifiers will be running throughout downstairs and upstairs offices weekly while staff and 

instructors are on site. Offices are cleaned by a contracted cleaning service daily and by staff throughout the day. 

Students, staff, and educators diagnosed with COVID-19 must quarantine until they are clear with a negative COVID test. Esperanza Cyber Charter School will notify students and families we serve of the exposure. Covid-19 exposure in the building is reported to the Philadelphia Department of Health.

f. Diagnostic and screening testing; 

g. Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities;

Esperanza Cyber Charter School will be providing resources for COVID-19 testing and vaccines to the families we serve posted on the Esperanza Cyber Charter School website and social media platforms.


h. Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities with respect to health and 

safety policies, and 

i. Coordination with state and local health officials

The Special Education Coordinator in Esperanza Cyber Charter School ensures accommodations for students with disabilities with respect to health and safety policy. 

Esperanza Cyber Charter School will be reviewing CDC guidelines periodically to ensure the Health and Safety Plan is up to date.
