Elementary School - Courses and Curriculum

Grades K-5

A standard full year pace is 36 weeks. Every course has a unique pacing guide to assist students in staying on target for successful completion. Students in elementary grades can withdraw from a course but that decision will affect academic progression. All course requirements must be met in one grade before a student can be promoted to the next. The school a curriculum provider for content that is taught by ECCS Pennsylvania certified teachers.

Each student and family is provided an elementary certified teacher from Esperanza Cyber to help them navigate the learning path, ensure academic progression, and provide 1:1 tutoring as needed.

Each student is enrolled in up to (8) courses and an  ECCS elementary teacher manages the enrollment, orientation to the school and curriculum, delivers instruction and provides support to the families and students with tutoring as needed. The ECCS elementary teacher also embeds PSSA Skills for grades 3-6 in ELA, math, and in grade 4 science.

Planned Courses:

  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science (included with ELA and Math)
  • Social Studies (included with ELA)
  • Physical Education
  • Art
  • Music
  • Technology

PSSA Exams

Students in grades 3-5 will participate in the PSSA exams in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science (grade 4 only).

Enrichment and Intervention

All students are enrolled in reading and math intervention and enrichment as appropriate. To support improving reading skills, students use Headsprout and Spelling City; online applications to improve progress. To support math skills, students are enrolled in Dreambox Mathematics, an interactive and adaptive online program.

Pearson Realize Core Programs
